The app is a complete free handbook of Manufacturing Systems & processes which covers important topics, notes, materials & news on the course. Download the App as a reference material & digital book for Mechanical engineering programs & degree courses.
This useful App lists 110 topics with detailed notes, diagrams, equations, formulas & course material, the topics are listed in 5 chapters. The app is must have for all the engineering science students & professionals.
The app provides quick revision and reference to the important topics like a detailed flash card notes, it makes it easy & useful for the student or a professional to cover the course syllabus quickly just before an exams or job interviews.
Also get the hottest international engineering & technology news on your app powered by Google news feeds. We have customised it so that you get regular updates on subject from international/national colleges, universities, research, industry, applications, engineering, tech, articles & innovation.
This is the best application to remain updated on your fav. subject.
Use this useful engineering app as your education tool, utility, tutorial, book, a reference guide for syllabus and explore study course material, aptitude tests & project work.
Track your learning, set reminders, edit, add favourite topics, share the topics on social media.
Some of the topics Covered in the app are:
1. Manufacturing Engineering
2. Manufacturing Process
3. Product Simplification and Standardisation
4. Computer Aided Manufacturing(CAM)
5. Product Development
6. Material Properties
7. Toughness and Ductility
8. Torsion
9. Fatigue and Creep
10. Ferrous Metals
11. Cast Iron
12. White cast iron
13. Malleable cast iron
14. Wrought Iron
15. Plain carbon steel
16. Heat resisting steels
17. Nickel and its Alloy
18. Non-Ferrous metals
19. Brasses
20. Bronzes
21. Transformation During Heating and Cooling of Steel
22. Hardning and Tempring
23. Hot chamber die-casting
24. Introduction of Casting
25. Permanent Mold or Gravity Die Casting
26. Shell Mold Casting
27. Probable Causes and Suggested remedies of Various Casting Defects
28. Plastic Molding Processes
29. Introduction of forging
30. Forgeability and Forgable Matrials
31. Heating Devices
32. Open fire and stock fire furnace
33. Control of Heating Devices
34. Forging Operations
35. Hot Working of Metals
36. Hot Working
37. Classification of Hot Working Processes
38. Hot Extrusion
39. Hot Drawing and Hot Spinning
40. Comparison of Hot Working with Cold Working
41. Cold Working
42. Cold Working Process
43. Wire Drawing
44. introduction to metal cutting
45. Cutting Tool
46. Mechanics of Metal Cutting
47. Introduction to Lathe Machine
48. Construction of Lathe Machine
49. Accessories and Attachments of Lathe
50. Specification of Lathe
51. Taper and Tapers Turning
52. Lathe Operations
53. Thread Cutting
54. Introduction to Drilling Machine
55. Types of Drilling Machine
56. Types of Drills
57. Twist Drill Geometry
58. Operations Performed on Drilling Machine
59. Operations Performed on Drilling Machine-Tapping
60. Shaper
61. Types of Shapers
62. Principal Parts of Shaper
63. Specification of a Shaper
64. Shaper Operations
65. Planer
66. Principle parts of a Slotter
67. Introduction to Milling
68. Types of Milling Cutters
69. Types of Milling Machines
70. Column and Knee Type Milling Machine
71. Indexing and Dividing Heads
72. Introduction to Welding
73. Welding joints
74. Welding Positions
75. Classification of Welding and Allied Processes
76. Gas Welding Processes
77. Gas Welding Equipments
78. Arc Welding Processes
79. Arc Welding Equipment
80. Resistance Welding
81. Resistance Seam Welding
Each topic is complete with diagrams, equations and other forms of graphical representations for better learning and quick understanding.
Manufacturing Systems & processes is part of Mechanical engineering education courses and technology degree programs of various universities.
Aplikasi ini adalah buku pegangan gratis lengkap Manufacturing Systems & proses yang meliputi penting topik, catatan, bahan & berita di lapangan. Unduh Aplikasi sebagai bahan referensi & buku digital untuk program rekayasa Teknik & program gelar.
App ini berguna berisi 110 topik dengan rinci catatan, diagram, persamaan, rumus & materi kursus, topik yang tercantum dalam 5 bab. Aplikasi ini harus memiliki untuk semua mahasiswa ilmu teknik & profesional.
Aplikasi ini memberikan revisi cepat dan mengacu pada topik penting seperti catatan kartu flash rinci, membuatnya mudah & berguna untuk mahasiswa atau profesional untuk menutupi silabus cepat hanya sebelum ujian atau wawancara kerja.
Juga mendapatkan terpanas internasional teknik & teknologi berita di aplikasi Anda didukung oleh berita Google feed. Kami telah disesuaikan sehingga Anda mendapatkan update reguler pada subjek dari internasional / nasional perguruan tinggi, universitas, penelitian, industri, aplikasi, teknik, teknologi, artikel & inovasi.
Ini adalah aplikasi terbaik untuk tetap diperbaharui pada fav Anda. subyek.
Gunakan aplikasi teknik ini berguna sebagai alat Anda pendidikan, utilitas, tutorial, buku, panduan referensi untuk silabus dan mengeksplorasi materi kursus studi, tes bakat & pekerjaan proyek.
Melacak belajar Anda, mengatur pengingat, mengedit, menambahkan topik favorit, berbagi topik di media sosial.
Beberapa topik Tercakup dalam aplikasi ini adalah:
Rekayasa 1. Manufaktur
2. Proses Manufaktur
3. Penyederhanaan Produk dan Standarisasi
4. Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
Pengembangan 5. Produk
6. Properti Material
7. Ketangguhan dan Daktilitas
8. Torsi
9. Kelelahan dan Creep
10. Ferrous Metals
11. Cast Iron
12. Putih besi cor
13. besi cor lunak
14. Besi Tempa
15. baja karbon Plain
16. Panas menolak baja
17. Nikel dan Paduan nya
18. logam Non-Ferrous
19. kuningan
20. perunggu
21. Transformasi Selama Pemanasan dan Pendinginan of Steel
22. hardning dan Tempring
23. ruang Hot die-casting
24. Pengenalan Casting
25. Tetap Mold atau Gravity Die Casting
26. Shell Mold Casting
27. Kemungkinan Penyebab dan obat yang disarankan Berbagai Cacat Casting
28. Proses Plastik Molding
29. Pengenalan penempaan
30. Forgeability dan Forgable matrials
31. Pemanasan Devices
api 32. Buka dan tungku saham api
33. Pengendalian Pemanasan Devices
34. Forging Operasi
35. Hot Kerja Logam
36. Hot Kerja
37. Klasifikasi Proses Hot Kerja
38. Hot Extrusion
39. Hot Menggambar dan berputar Hot
40. Perbandingan Hot Bekerja dengan Dingin
41. Dingin
Proses 42. Dingin
43. Kawat Menggambar
44. pengantar pemotongan logam
Alat 45. Cutting
46. Mekanika Logam Cutting
47. Pengantar Lathe Machine
48. Pembangunan Mesin Bubut
49. Aksesoris dan Lampiran Bubut
50. Spesifikasi mesin bubut
51. Taper dan mengecil Berpaling
52. Bubut Operasi
53. Thread Cutting
54. Pengantar Drilling Machine
55. Jenis Drilling Machine
56. Jenis Drills
57. Putar Bor Geometri
58. Operasi Dilakukan pada Drilling Machine
59. Operasi Dilakukan pada Drilling Mesin-Tapping
60. Shaper
61. Jenis pembentuk
62. Bagian Kepala Shaper
63. Spesifikasi pembentuk sebuah
64. Shaper Operasi
65. Planer
66. bagian Prinsip dari Slotter
67. Pengantar Penggilingan
68. Jenis Milling Cutters
69. Jenis Milling Machines
70. Kolom dan Knee Jenis Milling Machine
71. Indexing dan Membagi Heads
72. Pengantar Welding
73. Welding sendi
74. Welding Posisi
75. Klasifikasi Welding dan Sekutu Proses
76. Gas Welding Proses
77. Gas Welding Equipments
78. Arc Welding Proses
79. Arc Welding Equipment
80. Resistance Welding
81. Resistance Seam Welding
Setiap topik lengkap dengan diagram, persamaan dan bentuk lain dari representasi grafis untuk belajar lebih baik dan pemahaman yang cepat.
Sistem Manufaktur & proses adalah bagian dari program pendidikan teknik mesin dan program gelar teknologi berbagai universitas.